Tim Johnson

Product Development

Age: 35
Experience: 3 years
Specialization: Formulation

    About Me

    Tim Johnson

    Tim Johnson has 6 years of experience working in analytical Chemistry and pilot plant operations. His background is taking a

    conceptual idea, through formulation, and scaling it up to large scale manufacturing. His experience in the past was with Ecolab

    and Medtronic as a chemist in a pilot plant and analytical lab. Currently he is working on functional cannabis formulations that

    are effective and tastefully crafted to make a product a household name.

    • Midwest Extraction Services – Formulation Chemist
    • Creation of encapsulated CBD particles via emulsification


    • Lead formulator for NuQanna products

    (developed formulation of our beverages, gummies, and salve from pilot to large scale production)

    Previous Research

    • Electrochemical polymerization of thiophene derivatives

    attached to lead sulfide nanoparticles

    • Synthesis and characterization of cisplatin derivatives for

    chemotherapy drugs

    • Development of drug delivery films for cancer research


    Tim has over two years in the formulation of products. While his years are not long Tim has created over 200 products that are on the shelves.


    • Formulation
    • Analytics
    • Management